Kung Chan
Founder of ANBOUND, Chinese think tank scholar and author, Kung Chan is well known for his achievement in the paradigm of information analysis in public policy. Most of his research works are relevant to strategic policy. In the area of international relations, he advocates the "new space theory" in addressing geopolitical issues. Mr. Chan’s findings in the financial and industrial fields indicates that he is new Left Marxist. One of his notable predictions is that globalization will meet its end. A key concept that he put forward is “crisis triangle”, a breakthrough explanation on the relations and interactions between urbanization, capital surplus and economic crisis. In the late 1990s, he had already warned that China's "post-land economy model" could not be sustainable at all, back when such model was in the full swing, before its eventual collapse as foresaw by Mr. Chan. In additional, he proposed the principles of Pedestrian-Oriented Development (POD) and "Ideal City Model”. He was a pioneer of China's Western Development Research Program, and subsequently proposed the Chinese version of "New Silk Road" that had engaged in the grand strategy and policy-making of the Belt & Road Initiative. In relation to this, he is the author of numerous books, including Art of Analysis (2001), The Core of Information Analysis (2010), Balance and Competition (2012), Urbanization-the World Changer (2016), various research papers and articles. Mr. Chan, a Council Member of the China Society of Economic Reform since the late 1990s, is regarded as moderate reformist. He adheres to historical realism, as well as the concept of "Big Fieldwork", a traditional methodology for academic research.
"Think tanks not only play a role in public policy research, but also contribute to facilitating the improvement of public welfare. In today's world, upholding morality and justice (or "daoyi 道义" in Chinese) is considered as a historical responsibility, a heavy burden with higher risks. Think tanks could not shirk this responsibility, and it is at least an explicit mission for those think tanks that are truly independent." - Kung Chan
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