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Saturday, March 09, 2024
A Portrait of Zelenskyy
Kung Chan

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a very interesting figure. I have been observing him since before the war, and I felt quite sorry for him when ex-President Donald Trump sidelined him. After the war began, I have been tirelessly tracking and studying his information and news reports day after day. My conclusion is that he will become a fascinating historical figure. He was originally relatively unknown. However, due to the war in Ukraine, he has now written his own page in history.

Zelenskyy is not a politician with a glorious resume. He impulsively entered the election and succeeded by chance. Impulsiveness has become a prominent characteristic of his personality. He would impulsively stay on when the war broke out and he even predicted that he himself might die in battle. He is not the type of person who has deep reflections and considerations.

The country that Zelenskyy comes from has a historical past, but that history belongs to the Ukrainians of the past. Today it is often associated by others in Europe with corruption. Presently, it is frequently linked with corruption by some in Europe. There have been observations that attributes like gratitude, politeness, humility, moderation, patience, and dignity may not be as prevalent there. Of course, this refers to a general assessment of the level as a whole rather than to every individual. It is precisely for these reasons that we see Zelenskyy demanding assistance as if it were a matter of course, and as if he were the master of the world and others were mere fools.

In Ukraine, one cannot assume that everything is being handled by professional teams, as is the case with the orderliness found in Western countries. More often than not, Ukraine operates through circles rather than government departments, a situation that persists to this day, albeit varying in degree. President Zelenskyy has his own circle, upon which he consistently relies. However, these individuals, while he perceives them as loyal, are not always reliable. Consequently, there are occasions when he finds himself compelled to personally intervene, as those he trusts may not always be of assistance.

He heavily relies on his wife, Olena Zelenska, for support, which greatly assists him but also imposes constraints and at times makes him feel stifled. Therefore, in his personal life, he may occasionally seek some form of release, which I speculate might involve alcohol.

Zelenskyy is not the type of person who excels in communication. While he can speak, being an adept performer. However, his speeches are not effective communication; he is merely expressing himself, but he is not skilled in persuasion or heartfelt exchanges, which is why he lacks close friends.

He is a sensitive individual. He does not care much about others' feelings but is deeply concerned about his own. Therefore, he constantly seeks validation from others and demands loyalty. He continuously asks others to provide what he desires, although those things may not necessarily be what he truly needs.

He needs an image and is very concerned about his own image, regardless of whether this image is appropriate. In fact, Zelenskyy is a Non-Establishment figure in the Establishment world. I do not quite believe he is a reader; he may not even read as much as Vladimir Putin. He acts based on intuition and strongly believes in his own intuition.

Of course, I agree that Zelenskyy is a complex individual. In times of war, circumstances often mold and carve one's trajectory, and Zelenskyy is certainly no exception. Here, I am simply depicting a man whose fate fluctuates dramatically, relying on my intuition, and without any malicious intent.

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