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Sunday, July 16, 2023
Observations of Future Events: Shapes of the Things to Come, and Their Simple Logic
Kung Chan

Several significant events occurring worldwide have the potential to attract attention and spark widespread discussions in the future. Presented below are a few noteworthy ones that allow for an objective understanding of the world:

Russian defeat in Ukraine

The possibility of Russia facing defeat on the Ukrainian battlefield looms large. With Russia primarily relying on weaponry and equipment from the World War II era and the absence of apparent weaknesses in the unity of Western nations, the outcome of this war is highly likely to result in Russian failure. While this exposure may reveal the true capabilities of various parties involved, it will also bring about crucial changes. However, the global community is not adequately prepared to deal with the potential consequences of Russia's defeat.

The strategic alliance between Russia-China

The prospect of a strategic alliance between Russia and China raises concerns for many, as it introduces an element of uncertainty to the global landscape. The key question revolves around the circumstances that would lead to the realization of such an alliance. One plausible scenario is that Russia's defeat in Ukraine would compel Vladimir Putin to commit to the agenda of the Russia-China alliance. Meanwhile, China stands to gain benefits from this strategic partnership. There appear to be limited factors that could reverse or impede the future trend toward a Russia-China alliance. Previous obstacles, such as Russia's wavering commitment and China's geopolitical aspirations that Russia could not meet, are solvable issues that can be effectively addressed.

China's economic downturn takes the world by surprise

China's economy is experiencing a prolonged downward trend that has caught the attention of many worldwide. However, the extent to which China's economy is deteriorating remains an unanswered question. This situation was unimaginable for many, evident in the agendas, perspectives, and policies of various countries. Therefore, if this were to truly happen, it would undoubtedly send shockwaves throughout the world, prompting people to reconsider numerous aspects from the past to the future. It would lead to the bankruptcy of many theories, the failure of predictions, and a considerable loss of capital.

Regional hegemony reshaping the world

In the field of international relations, there has been theoretical discussion about the transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar one. However, the true transformation in the future lies in the emergence of "regional hegemony". As I have predicted, regional powers such as India, Turkey, Israel, and even countries like South Africa and Brazil will step forward and increasingly challenge the established order, consolidating their national positions while diminishing American global leadership. The key issue here is that the United States seems to have no effective means to counteract this trend.

Internal conflicts in the United States

When the world expects the United States to demonstrate greater responsibility, it finds that the country is unable to fulfill those expectations. American society is currently preoccupied with internal consolidation, often manifested in the process of presidential elections and various other electoral events. During these times, both overt and covert disputes and contradictions ferment and emerge within American society. At such time, hot issues arise one after another, generating extraordinary intensity. The controversies surrounding LGBT rights are just a fraction of what the future holds for the United States. Yet, few Americans care about what happens in other parts of the world. They are too occupied in their struggles, busy toppling their opponents and attempting to grab the attention of society, including the online realm. In reality, this is the norm in the United States. It has always navigated the peculiar changes in the world through its adaptive approach.

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