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Monday, October 16, 2023
The Future of the Global Geopolitical Landscape: Regional Hegemony Divisions
Kung Chan, Zhou Chao

While the fears of a global war largely subsided since the Cold War's end, ongoing regional conflicts signal that comprehensive global peace remains elusive. In forecasting the future, the most crucial aspect is to identify the fundamental dynamics shaping the global landscape. The U.S. strategic community hopes to maintain and strengthen America's control over global affairs, preserving its status as the sole superpower. As China's strength continues to grow and the trend of anti-globalization progresses, the international geopolitical landscape is undergoing profound adjustments. In the long-term geopolitical landscape of the future, the division of regional hegemonies is likely to be a persistent trend.

Under the overarching trends of anti-globalization and spatial fragmentation, coupled with the relative decline in U.S. control and a decreasing focus on external affairs, the future trend of regional hegemony division is bound to be more diverse and complex than the rise of the BRICS quartet. Countries like Israel and South Africa also have opportunities to assert themselves, and Japan's remilitarization is not out of the realm of possibility.

The full text of the research report in PDF format can be downloaded here.


1. Introduction

2. Background of the Trend of Regional Hegemony

3. Basic Trends in the Future Divisions of Regional Hegemony

4. Conclusions

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